Mehdi Jahangiri, CEO of the Tourism Financial Group, is one of the leading financial sponsors of the Iranian national volleyball teams. He has been responsible for the financial support of the national volleyball teams since 2017 with the capabilities of Tourism Bank.

During this period, Jahangiri played an essential role in the success of the Iranian national volleyball team. He has provided the necessary financial resources for the national team with appropriate facilities and equipment. This has helped to improve the quality of play and performance of the players.

During this period, the Iranian national volleyball team has achieved remarkable success. The team won the Asian Championship in 2017 and reached third place worldwide in 2018 and 2023.

Jahangiri, in a message on the occasion of the Iranian national junior volleyball team’s victory in the Bahrain World Championships, considered the role of the national volleyball team in promoting the culture of sports and social vitality essential and said: “Iranian volleyball is now a suitable model for scientific planning and I congratulate this success to all the people of Iran.”

He also, in a message on the occasion of the Iranian national volleyball team’s third place in the world, considered this success to be the result of the efforts of the players, technical staff, and the Volleyball Federation and said: “I am happy to be a small member of the team supporting volleyball in the country, witnessing the Iranian national volleyball team soaring to the sky.”

Jahangiri, referring to the critical role of Sponsorship in the success of sports teams, said: “Sponsorship can play an important role in the development of sports and improving its quality. I take this opportunity to thank all the financial sponsors of the Iranian national volleyball teams.”

Without a doubt, Mehdi Jahangiri’s financial support for the Iranian national volleyball teams has played a vital role in the team’s success. He has provided the necessary financial resources to give the national team the appropriate facilities and equipment. This has helped to improve the quality of play and performance of the players and has made the Iranian national volleyball team one of the world’s top powers.